Heavy Metals Package

This Includes:

  • Lab Test
  • 45 Minute Consult with a Health Coach
  • 45 Minute Report Of Findings With Recommended Plan Of Action

$480.00 USD


About the test

The Heavy Metals panel examines heavy metal toxicity to 20 of the most common heavy metals, which can be found in the environment, air, water sources, and common consumer products.

Heavy metal toxicity can contribute to total toxic burden and cause inflammatory symptoms including neurological and cognitive (brain) dysfunction, metabolic problems, digestive complaints, impaired detoxification, and more.

The Heavy Metals panel is designed to test for exposure to many different heavy metals found in food, water, and other environmental sources, and which are known to cause inflammatory diseases and conditions in humans.

Consider the Heavy Metals panel if you have been exposed to locations or employment conditions with high heavy metal exposure such as, but not limited to, fuels, smelting, munitions, rubber/asphalt, manufacturing, radioactive substances, nuclear industrial byproducts, semiconductor manufacturing, mining, and automobiles.

Sample Report

Collection Instructions

Disclaimer: ThisĀ Lab Tests Store provides information and recommendations for lab tests, and our services are not a substitute for medical care; we do not diagnose, treat, or offer medical advice, and all products and information offered on this site are not intended to cure, treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease; individuals should consult with a qualified healthcare professional before implementing any new supplements or health regimens.