Environmental Toxins Package

This Includes:

  • Lab Test
  • 45 Minute Consult with a Health Coach
  • 45 Minute Report Of Findings With Recommended Plan Of Action

$660.00 USD


About the test

To test for the presence of excessive environmental toxin exposure.

Environmental toxins, technically called toxicants, are substances produced endogenously from the human body and which, when absorbed, inhaled, or ingested, can cause acute or chronic toxic overload, which may manifest in a variety of biological organ, tissue, and cellular-level systems.

Environmental toxins are cancer-causing chemicals and endocrine disruptors, both human-made and naturally occurring.

Screening patients with multiple chronic inflammatory symptoms, resistance to weight loss, and signs of excessive total toxic load is important to detecting unknown chemical exposure to daily products, foods, and environment.

Screening for Environmental Toxins can aid practitioners in uncovering true root causes of toxicity from common environmental sources and provide a clear roadmap to detoxification and healing.

In order to assess the most comprehensive potential for total toxic load, consider running Environmental Toxins with a Vibrant Heavy Metals, Mycotoxins, or Food Additives panels.

Sample Report

Collection Instructions

Disclaimer: ThisĀ Lab Tests Store provides information and recommendations for lab tests, and our services are not a substitute for medical care; we do not diagnose, treat, or offer medical advice, and all products and information offered on this site are not intended to cure, treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease; individuals should consult with a qualified healthcare professional before implementing any new supplements or health regimens.