DUTCH Complete Plus Package

This Includes:

  • Lab Test
  • 45 Minute Consult with a Health Coach
  • 45 Minute Report Of Findings With Recommended Plan Of Action

$869.00 USD


About the test

The DUTCH Plus is a comprehensive dried urine and saliva test that maximizes the available information from sex and adrenal hormone production and metabolism. With easy, at-home sample collection over the course of one day, providers can gain insights into the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol and cortisone, along with the total distribution of cortisol metabolites. This test offers further insight by including organic acid testing, which evaluates potential nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress, gut dysbiosis, melatonin levels, and neuroinflammation.

Sample Report:

Collection Instructions

Disclaimer: ThisĀ Lab Tests Store provides information and recommendations for lab tests, and our services are not a substitute for medical care; we do not diagnose, treat, or offer medical advice, and all products and information offered on this site are not intended to cure, treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease; individuals should consult with a qualified healthcare professional before implementing any new supplements or health regimens.